The perfect slide on desk divider

lagoon slide on desk dividers

Slide on desk dividers have become very popular in recent years due to the fact that it simply slides on when you want to divide up the desk but can be taken off just as easily. As offices become flexible in design so too has the furniture.

Things to consider before placing an order for a slide on desk divider (also known as a biscuit divider)

The thickness

Mumble manufacture slide on dividers in 18mm thick and 24mm thick. The thickness of the divider provides the stability so there isn’t too much flop. Both the 18mm and 24mm are sufficiently stable so the choice between the 2 thicknesses will come down to look and budget.

The height

In general you can make the slide on divider as high as you like above desk height but we would not recommend over 700 high.  The reason being is that it can start to impact stability of the screen and make them appear to be to top heavy. Best practice would be to sit at desk with a ruler or tape measure to see how high you need it to be for your purpose. Maybe you need complete privacy from your neighbour next door or you still want to be able to peak over. ( In Covid – times , most people opt for more facial coverage)

The depth

The depth of the slide on divider is pretty much dependent on the depth of your desk. Whilst you could get away with a shorter divider , you don’t want it to be too long that it hangs over the back. Most desks range between 600 and 900mm deep.

Location of any beams or frames on the desk

This specification is probably the most important. Most workstation desks have a beam running between the legs to provide support for the top. In order to ensure the slide on divider actually slides on, the measurement between the edge of desk and beam needs to be determined and the slide on under side adjusted to ensure it does not hit the beam when slid onto the desk top.

On the odd occasion the desk may actually have a box frame in which case a slide on divider would not be suitable and you may want to opt for a on desk divider which needs to be drilled in.

Desk top thickness

To prevent a loose fit, the desk top thickness needs to be confirmed. In Australia most desks are a standard 25mm thick, however in the US desk top thicknesses vary greatly. If the slide on screen is cut to big, the screen will be loose it will flop to the side; if cut to small it may not slide on at all.

If you want an overhang

An often forgotten specification. If you want to create more of a nook type feel, be sure to advise us so that we can create more of an overhang at the front of the desk. In other words, you will have more privacy coverage along side your seat too and not just on the worktop.

At Mumble, we stock a set of standard and popular slid on desk dividers but we manufacture on a weekly basis many variations to suit customer needs. Check out our Slide on Desk Dividers

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